Xboxin asiakaspalvelu toimii, ainakin tämän tarinan perusteella.
Tarina käynnistyy Gabriel Rolandin harmituksesta: 15 vuotta sitten 80 Microsoft-pisteellä ostettu Pac-Man-pelaajakuva näyttää nykykonsoleilla naurettavan pieneltä. Syy on luonnollisesti pelaajakuvien laitesukupolvi sukupolvelta kasvaneissa resoluutioissa.
With each passing generation, Xbox tries to shame my Pac-Man ghost avatar by shrinking it ever smaller and smaller. I will not yield. I bought this gamerpic for 80 Xbox Points in 2006, and I'll be fucked if it won't remain the best dollar I've ever spent until the seas boil over
— Gabriel Roland (@noukon) August 19, 2021
Twitterissä jaetusta palautteesta otti kopin Xbox-kehittäjä Eden Marie, joka päätti tehdä kaikkensa tilanteen korjaamiseksi. Näin toden totta kävikin, katsopa vaikka alla olevaa tarinaa projektin etenemisestä:
Listen, I can't promise anything, but I'm going to make it my personal mission to fix this
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 25, 2021
Before we even think about what looks good, we need to look at the inconsistency in the profile page/editor that started this thread. 360 gamerpics look fundamentally different here depending on whether you're looking at your own profile (broken) or someone else's (intended).
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 26, 2021
Okay, next up, we're gonna attack this guy:
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 27, 2021
Also, most 360 gamerpics were designed to be shown as a square and don't deal well with getting clipped to a circle, like Mr. Ghosty here. Many of them have square border adornments that look especially bad when the corners are cut off.
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 27, 2021
Let's see what we can accomplish by treating the 360 gamerpic as a square within the larger gamerpic circle, with the rest transparent. A 72 x 72 image is never going to look great blown up but this way we're blowing it up a little less, and we're not clipping the corners.
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 27, 2021
As an aside, on the Experiences team we have something called Exploration Time, which lets us use half a day each week on any random thing that tickles our fancy in the product! I love that we do it, and this week I absolutely chose to use it to rescue ghosts.
— Eden Marie (@neonepiphany) August 27, 2021
I'll also say this: I worked in game QA for over a decade and I've never seen a bug addressed this quickly
— Gabriel Roland (@noukon) August 27, 2021
Lähde: Eurogamer